Meditation today has been touted as the cure all for all ailments and pains of modern life. Those that do it seem to swear by it and are almost evangelical about it. And for some of us, it seems almost unimaginable to sit in rigid lotus pose and breathe deep and not think thoughts. And of course, there are many who are in between the two extremes. No matter where you stand on this continuum, it’s good to understand the science and philosophical aspects of mediation to know if it’s right for you, beneficial or potentially harmful, and what the best suited path for you might be. Sandhya can help you find the path that’s right for you, balance it with other aspects of wellness and help you fit this into the busiest of lifestyles! From dealing with stress and anxiety, fear of public speaking and intimacy, building self-confidence, calm, management of anger, chronic disease and pain, to finding your inner child, your sense of permanent wellbeing, mediation is an evidence based technique for wellness.
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When it comes to wellness and health, there is no one size fits all. Equally, there is an overload of information, dos and don’ts, fear mongering and fads that everyone seems of be swearing by. Having someone help and support you in identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and challenges can help you create and reach your authentic and sustainable health and wellness goals. Sandhya’s wellness skills might just be the thing you are looking for. Working with her will give you a pleasant, practical, and positive experience. No torture, no starvation, no boot camps. With her deep experience and learning, she can help you eliminate the fluff, the guilt, the regrets, and achieve future physical as well as mental wellness goals. The first step would be to find out why you are seeking help and what your end goal is, and then we will work together on an action plan. Let’s break the cycle of failed diets and wellness goals, once and for all!
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Life can be unpredictable and full of unexpected events that could make life difficult at the best of times. When life punches you in the face, it can be in the form of sudden and unanticipated changes that can hurt and cause internal damage to your heart and soul. When we feel vulnerable and fragile against outside factors, it can generate fear and despair. There is no fail-safe formula to live life except that when you are pushed down, you get up, heal yourself, and move forward.
Sandhya, with her skills and experience, can help heal your internal wounds, become a whole being, and acknowledge your true worth in every aspect of life. Whether it’s a sudden job loss, a death of a loved one, emotional hurt or abuse from a parent, partner, friend, colleague or child…we can work with evidence-based practices, ranging from cognitive behaviour therapy, transactional analysis, to hypnosis and creative visualization, to restore your sense of wholeness for you to venture to find happiness, peace and love in your life, again!
Click here to discuss your needs with me.