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Getting enough sleep is a significant part of the foundation for achieving good health. Lack of sleep escalates the risk for infections, obesity, and heart disease. Good sleep hygiene is vital for cardiovascular and brain health. Our body releases hormones when we are sleeping and those hormones repair the damaged or over-fatigued cells. Sandhya is a personal life coach in Mumbai and she will show you how proper sleep takes care of various aspects of our body – from balancing our body budgets to regulating physiological functions and from mood to our decision making ability (will power). 
Click here to ask a question or to request a booking. 

The power of one


A healthy nutrition plan has immense benefits such as good heart health, effective digestion, a strong immune system, improved mood, active brain, proper sleep, and also helps in preventing certain autoimmune diseases and some cancers.  Nutrition and diet have become such loaded words in today’s world. Every “expert“ or celebrity you come across has the one golden rule they swear by. But the fact is that the science of good nutrition and sustainable wellness has not changed very much and the basics are often lost because of fads and cherry picking. So there’s no need to indulge in extreme diets or live on vile-tasting foods. Additionally, using food as a crutch or replacement for emptiness, boredom or stress creates an unhealthy relationship with food, one that adversely impacts our life. Your wellness coach, Sandhya, will show you how to develop a healthy relationship with foods, how to incorporate healthy eating into the busiest of lifestyles, how to have fun with foods, and how to keep food cravings under check.


Click here to ask a question or to request a booking. 

The sixes


Much like nutrition, almost everyone has an opinion on exercise and the miracles that it could produce. Added to the misinformation, there is social media that has created so much hype around “perfect“ bodies, six-pack abs, hyper flexibility, and impossible standards of fitness. In her wellness coaching programmes, Sandhya debunks the fluff, and helps you find what will truly work for you, what you can enjoy, make a habit, and how to enjoy true fitness for life! These can be applied at the individual, family or company level. And yes, they can be team or relationship-building exercises too!


Click here to ask a question or to request a booking. 

90 days make a habit

Whole Body Wellness and Relationship Coaching

Because of her experience in various aspects of science-based wellness and coaching, Sandhya is a rare professional who can help you with your life holistically. So whether you’d like to find a partner, enter into a relationship mindfully, or reaffirm your commitment to your partner through relationship coaching, pre-marital coaching or marital coaching, Sandhya can help you with her experience, insights, compassion, and wit. 

Additionally, if you are looking to start a family or have trouble finding intimacy, or stress and other commitments are keeping you from enjoying a healthy sex life with your partner, it’s worth working with a wellness coach as an individual or as a couple to reclaim your pleasure and joy in sexual intercourse. This is not a medical intervention or diagnosis, and Sandhya may suggest that you visit a medical professional first. However, IVF and other allied professionals do refer cases where stress, strife, and work-life balance could be the underlying causes of a failure to conceive or inability to perform sexually.


Click here to ask a question or to request a booking. 

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